Marriage and family life have undergone significant transformations over the past few decades, sparking numerous debates about the best path to a healthy family dynamic. As a traditional father, deeply rooted in the values of commitment and familial responsibility, I want to explore the multifaceted nature of marriage and divorce. Drawing from a recent conversation with friends, Chris Wen and Mr. Pancake, this article aims to provide insights and practical advice for those navigating these challenging waters.

One of the key points raised during our discussion is the idea that marriage should be viewed as a covenant, particularly in the eyes of God. This perspective underscores the seriousness of the commitment being made. Mr. Pancake aptly noted that many people today treat marriage as a mere contract, a disposable utility rather than a sacred bond. This shift in perception contributes to the rising divorce rates we see today.

Personal Insight: My own marriage began under unconventional circumstances; my wife and I married after just four months of dating. Despite the odds, we’ve celebrated ten years of marriage. Our success, I believe, lies in our mutual commitment to work through challenges and uphold our vows.

Chris Wen highlighted the traditional approach where couples seeking marriage would undergo counseling through their church. This not only provided spiritual guidance but also practical advice on navigating the complexities of married life. Such premarital counseling can be invaluable in preparing couples for the realities of marriage, helping them understand that love alone is not enough to sustain a lifelong partnership.

Practical Advice: For those considering marriage, I highly recommend seeking premarital counseling, whether through a religious institution or a professional counselor. Understanding your partner’s communication style, conflict resolution approach, and love language can lay a strong foundation for your marriage.

A major concern for many parents is the impact of divorce on children. While some argue that staying in a bad marriage is better for the kids, our discussion revealed that this is not always the case. Chris shared his personal experience of growing up in a toxic household and the peace that followed his parents’ divorce. On the other hand, my own childhood involved witnessing my biological father’s destructive behavior, which made my mother’s decision to remarry a positive turning point in my life.

Balancing Act: It’s crucial to weigh the long-term effects of staying in a toxic relationship against the immediate upheaval of divorce. Children benefit from seeing healthy, loving relationships. If staying together means exposing them to constant conflict, divorce might be the healthier option.

Mr. Pancake brought up an interesting point about societal changes, noting that the ease of obtaining a marriage license versus the complexities of getting a divorce might be part of the problem. He suggested that making marriage more difficult and requiring more preparation could potentially reduce divorce rates.

Reflection: Society’s changing morals and the diminishing role of religion in everyday life have undoubtedly affected how we view marriage. As a traditional father, I believe it’s essential to instill values of commitment and responsibility in our children from a young age.

Marriage is undoubtedly challenging, but with the right mindset and preparation, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of life. As fathers and role models, we have a responsibility to guide our children towards understanding the importance of a committed, loving relationship. Encouraging them to seek guidance, whether through religious counseling or professional advice, can help them build stronger, more resilient marriages.

While divorce can be a necessary step in certain circumstances, our focus should be on fostering strong, healthy relationships from the start. By doing so, we not only improve our own lives but also set a positive example for the next generation. Let’s strive to create a society where marriage is viewed not as a disposable contract but as a sacred bond worth nurturing and preserving.