Mommy & Daddy's first time holding Opal after her life saving open heart surgery 🫶
@cllrainslie @billpeduto @DrTraceyK @NYCDadsGroup @drchethansathya @DJFreshSA @MyDailyDads @mjavinod @DrWaheedArian @Pink
Had a great chat with @callwithdads. Thanks for hopping in!
And about to start another... just so you guys know, these take place while I'm driving, so I'm hands-free on the phone, and not able to switch between people a lot, so it's geared towards longer on-on-one chats.…
Today we join Ben Black (@Dynastus ) to have a look at what we saw, learned, and thought of 2024; there might even be some ideas you can use to make a better 2025.
Share this and set your reminder. You never know where things will go with us.