Call with Dads

Dads on a Mission: Building more than just a Community

Gentle Parenting, is it what your kids really need? Guest: Luke Adsit

In this interview, Luke Adsit attempted to advocate for gentle or peaceful parenting, focusing on discipline through correction and instruction rather than punishment. Despite his efforts, Adsit often avoided directly answering the hosts’ questions and instead redirected the conversation to broader concepts. His emotional appeals, such as comparing the cessation of spanking to historical injustices like slavery, were seen as manipulative and led to friction with the hosts. This approach appeared to deepen E. A. Maynard’s and Mr. Pancakes’ mistrust of gentle parenting, reinforcing their belief in traditional methods and skepticism toward Adsit’s stance against physical forms of discipline.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Guest Host:

Luke Adsit:

Sources Mentioned:

Dads with Mics Podcast:

American College of Pediatricians: (January 2017)

Affiliate Programs (A way to show support)

Lords of x:


Sherwood Entertainment:

Gentle Parenting Advocate meets Traditional Parents

In another episode of Call With Dads, the hosts E. A. Maynard and Mr. Pancakes engaged with guest Luke Adsit, a proponent of gentle or peaceful parenting. The primary goal was to understand this parenting approach better and ideally find… Continue Reading →

The Hidden Dangers of Gentle Parenting

Why Fathers Should Reclaim Traditional Parenting In recent years, the rise of gentle parenting has captured the attention of many families, promising a more empathetic and understanding approach to raising children. However, beneath its seemingly benign surface, this parenting style… Continue Reading →

Building a future with Homeschooling – Guest Alec Griffiths

In this interview E. A. Maynard and guest Alec from Fatherhood Reforged discuss their experiences and philosophies around homeschooling as fathers. Alec explains how his family’s journey into homeschooling began during a move to Toronto, where his wife discovered her… Continue Reading →

Embracing Fatherhood: The Rise of Homeschooling

Dads Homeschooling has traditionally been viewed as a territory dominated by mothers. However, a new wave is forming with fathers increasingly stepping up to the plate and taking active roles in the education of their children. This was vividly discussed… Continue Reading →

Traditional Parenting: Beyond Spanking – Teaching Values, Instilling Discipline, and Fostering Responsibility

Traditional parenting encompasses a rich tapestry of practices and principles that extend far beyond disciplinary measures such as spanking. Rooted in a deep historical context, traditional parenting is designed to nurture well-rounded, responsible individuals. Its core principles are grounded in… Continue Reading →

The Effects and insights of divorce with Guest Daddy Divorcee

In this insightful podcast episode, E.A. Maynard, Mr. Pancake, and Daddy Divorcee discuss their personal experiences with divorce and its impact on children. They share common backgrounds of growing up in divorced families and reflect on how these experiences shape their approach to co-parenting. The conversation delves into the importance of maintaining a cooperative relationship with ex-spouses for the sake of their kids’ emotional well-being. Daddy Divorcee emphasizes that while divorce inevitably disrupts the family unit, ensuring a stable, communicative environment can mitigate the trauma for children. The hosts also touch on the challenges of transitioning to post-divorce life, including logistical coordination and financial adjustments, while stressing the value of a positive co-parenting relationship. This episode offers a candid, relatable perspective on navigating fatherhood and co-parenting amidst the trials of divorce.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Guest Host:

Chris (Daddy Divorcee):

Affiliate Programs (A way to show support)

Lords of x:


Leonardo ai:

Sherwood Entertainment:

The Complexities of Modern Marriage and Divorce

Marriage and family life have undergone significant transformations over the past few decades, sparking numerous debates about the best path to a healthy family dynamic. As a traditional father, deeply rooted in the values of commitment and familial responsibility, I… Continue Reading →

Faith, Fitness, and Fatherhood with Nate Norman

In a candid discussion between Nate Norman, Mr. Pancakes, and E. A. Maynard, the importance of physical health and active fatherhood emerges as a central theme. Recognizing the decline in testosterone levels among men, they emphasize the need for dads to reclaim their vitality through physical activity, wholesome nutrition, and engaging family interactions. Rejecting the notion of passivity and embracing a proactive approach to life, they urge men to lead by example, both in their households and communities. With faith in God as a guiding principle, they advocate for personal responsibility, intentional effort, and mutual respect within marital relationships. Rejecting societal norms that diminish masculinity, they encourage fathers to prioritize their health, strengthen family bonds, and cultivate a sense of purpose in their roles as providers, protectors, and mentors.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Guests Host:

Nate Norman:

Affiliate Programs (A way to show support)

Lords of x:


Sherwood Entertainment:

Jody Plauche’s Story and what dads need to know. Guest Joday Plauche

In this series of discussions, the E.a. Maynard and Mr. Pancake are joined by Jody Plauche as they delve into the complex relationships and moral dilemmas that fathers often face. The discussion underscores a crucial message for fathers: the vigilance needed to protect their children from potential predators. The conversation highlights the deceptive nature of grooming, where perpetrators can initially appear as friends, integrating themselves into families and forming relationships with children. It stresses the importance of fathers being proactive in recognizing and addressing suspicious behavior early on to prevent any harm. Fathers must be aware that the threat often comes from seemingly trusted individuals and take decisive actions to safeguard their children’s well-being and innocence. The dialogue serves as a powerful reminder for dads to be both protectors and educators, preparing their children to recognize and report inappropriate behavior.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Guests Host:

Jody Plauche:

Affiliate Programs (A way to show support)

Lords of x:


Sherwood Entertainment:

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