Mommy & Daddy's first time holding Opal after her life saving open heart surgery 🫶
@cllrainslie @billpeduto @DrTraceyK @NYCDadsGroup @drchethansathya @DJFreshSA @MyDailyDads @mjavinod @DrWaheedArian @Pink
Had a great chat with @callwithdads. Thanks for hopping in!
And about to start another... just so you guys know, these take place while I'm driving, so I'm hands-free on the phone, and not able to switch between people a lot, so it's geared towards longer on-on-one chats.…
Today we join Ben Black (@Dynastus ) to have a look at what we saw, learned, and thought of 2024; there might even be some ideas you can use to make a better 2025.
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Two Dads Talking about what Matters to Dads Today!
Calls with Dads, the podcast where two dads from different corners of America come together to discuss a wide array of topics and share their perspectives. Join us as we dive into conversations about parenting, food, and more. E.A. Maynard and Mr. Pancake will bring their unique insights, experiences, and a touch of humor to these engaging discussions. Whether you're a parent looking for relatable insights or just curious about the conservative perspective, 'Calls with Dads' is the perfect podcast to tune into. So grab a coffee, put your feet up, and enjoy the fatherly wisdom and conservative values these dads have to offer.
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