Dads Homeschooling has traditionally been viewed as a territory dominated by mothers. However, a new wave is forming with fathers increasingly stepping up to the plate and taking active roles in the education of their children. This was vividly discussed in a recent interview with Alec, the creator of Fatherhood Reforged, and E. A. Maynard, where Alec shared his journey into homeschooling, the formation of Dad Schooling, and the importance of fathers reclaiming their roles in the educational and developmental lives of their children.

Alec’s venture into homeschooling began out of necessity when his family moved to Toronto, Canada. Due to visa restrictions, his children couldn’t attend school, and his wife took over their education. This transition was unexpectedly transformative: “My wife fell in love with homeschooling. She really found her purpose… I fell in love with my wife all over again because it was just like this light that switched on in her, and that just shone from her” . This profound experience led the family to continue homeschooling even after returning to the UK: “We fell in love with the lifestyle so much and all the benefits of the lifestyle that we never stopped” .

Recognizing a gap in support for homeschooling fathers, Alec initiated Dad Schooling, a Discord-based community aimed at providing a space for dads to gain advice, share experiences, and find camaraderie: “Men need men’s only spaces… The first thing you’ll find is community…people are there offering advice all the time from new homeschoolers, from people who are considering homeschooling, from veteran homeschoolers” . Dad Schooling is not just a support group but a thriving community where fathers can empower each other, discuss various homeschooling curriculums and strategies, and share resources: “You’ll find just lots of Dads…just having a conversation…about their kids, the events they’re going to, accomplishments their kids have done, just vacations they’re on” .

Alec strongly believes that fathers have a crucial role to play in their children’s education, and this extends beyond traditional perceptions of fatherhood: “For me, education is legacy. It’s one of the key things that we pass down: our knowledge, our values, and our virtues” . By homeschooling, fathers can impart personal values, ensure their children receive quality education, and create an environment that fosters genuine growth and development: “When you are putting your children into public school, you are essentially handing over that huge part of your legacy. You are allowing the government to determine your legacy for you” .

A common concern among parents is whether they are qualified to homeschool. Alec reassures parents that the ability to teach is intrinsic: “You taught your children how to walk. You taught your children how to talk…so you did those things. For me, homeschooling is purely an extension of parenting” . Even if parents feel they lack specific academic knowledge, Alec emphasizes that homeschooling is about guiding and learning alongside children rather than replicating a traditional school model: “When children get to a particular age…you become less their teacher, more their guide…and they become less your student and more self-directed learners” .

One of the standout benefits of homeschooling is its flexibility. Alec highlights how homeschooling schedules can adapt to fit different family rhythms: “You can homeschool your kids in two hours, you absolutely can…It’s all about…figuring out what your family’s rhythm is” . Homeschooling also allows for a deeper parent-child relationship and ensures that children learn according to their pace and interests. As Alec puts it: “We’re…a smaller group of people who actually discuss what’s going on and happening…you get a bigger attention span from the smaller groups because [people] actually care” .

Homeschooling is not just an educational choice but a lifestyle that fathers can embrace to actively shape their children’s future. Through Dad Schooling and communities like it, fathers are finding support and empowerment to take on this rewarding role. As more dads step into homeschooling, they are not only reclaiming the essence of fatherhood but also crafting legacies grounded in personal values and meaningful, intentional education. If you are a father contemplating homeschooling or seeking community and resources, consider joining Fatherhood Reforged on Discord or reaching out via their Twitter handle @FathersReforged. The journey might be challenging, but the rewards of directly influencing and enriching your children’s lives are immeasurable.