Fathers have a unique role to play in their children’s lives. While mothers provide nurturing and emotional support, fathers often bring a sense of adventure and play into the equation. One way in which fathers can bond with their kids… Continue Reading →
Hey there, pancake enthusiasts and dads alike! Today, we’re diving into the world of fatherhood, complete with pancakes, milestones, and a sprinkle of dad wisdom. So grab your favorite syrup and let’s flip this conversation! In the realm of dad… Continue Reading →
In this engaging podcast conversation, Maynard and Mr. Pancakes dive into the essential theme of “Manning up as a Father.” They share their personal experiences and wisdom on the challenges and joys of fatherhood. The discussion revolves around tackling fears, taking the necessary steps to be better dads, and fostering a supportive community for fathers. Maynard and Mr. Pancakes emphasize the importance of sharing their journey and insights with others, encouraging dads to connect, learn, and grow. With a strong focus on building a network of support, they highlight their various social media platforms, including a supportive group on True Social. As they conclude the conversation, Maynard and Mr. Pancakes invite listeners to explore their websites, “callwithdads.com” and “pancakeswithyourdad.com,” as valuable resources for dads seeking guidance and connection in their fatherhood journey. This podcast is an inspiring and empowering discussion on the significance of “Manning up as a Father” and creating a community that fosters growth and shared experiences in fatherhood.
Show Article/Summary: https://callwithdads.com/?p=332
E.A. Maynard: https://callwithdads.com/call-with-dads/eric-maynard/
Mr. Pancake: https://callwithdads.com/call-with-dads/mr-pancake/
Being a father is no easy task. It requires a delicate balance between being a good father and a good husband. Gone are the days when fathers were expected to be mere providers, while the mothers took care of all… Continue Reading →
There are countless ways to have a conversation with your kids. In this episode, E.A. Maynard and Mr. Pancake discuss different ways they find helpful. From using their interest and way of thinking, bonding with them to make it easier, and even understanding that you might just need to get down to their height. These two fathers look at how each of them finds to work and try to find ways to improve the relationship they have with their kids.
Show Article/Summary: https://callwithdads.com/?p=332
E.A. Maynard: https://callwithdads.com/call-with-dads/eric-maynard/
Mr. Pancake: https://callwithdads.com/call-with-dads/mr-pancake/
In the Call With Dads podcast, the hosts, Mr. Pancake and E.A. Maynard, engage in a candid and relaxed conversation about their experiences as fathers. They discuss various aspects of parenting, including their approaches to mealtime and nutrition for their children. Mr. Pancake shares how he and his wife encourage their child to eat a variety of vegetables, even raw, while also emphasizing the importance of modeling positive behavior for kids. E.A. Maynard reflects on his own challenges with getting his son to eat vegetables and how he incorporates distractions like TV into mealtime. Both dads touch on the idea of setting good examples for their children and finding a balance between screen time and other activities in their households. The conversation provides insights into different parenting styles and the unique approaches each dad takes in raising their kids.
Show Article: https://callwithdads.com/parenting-perspectives-balancing-mealtimes-and-technology-in-todays-family/
E.A. Maynard: https://callwithdads.com/call-with-dads/eric-maynard/
Mr. Pancake: https://callwithdads.com/call-with-dads/mr-pancake/
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