Dads on a Mission: Building more than just a Community

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Understanding the public schools with Jake Monalbano

The conversation between E. A. Maynard and Jake delves into the challenges facing public education today, particularly the increasing burden placed on teachers due to societal shifts and bureaucratic hurdles. They discuss the impact of modern technology and changing family dynamics on students, highlighting concerns about declining values and manners. Despite the dedication of many teachers, including Jake and his wife, to providing quality education, there’s a growing exodus from the profession due to frustrations with policy decisions and the influx of inexperienced educators. Maynard reflects on his decision to homeschool his children, driven by a desire to provide a more tailored educational experience amid these challenges. Both speakers emphasize the importance of instilling values in children and recognize the need for broader societal changes to support families and improve education outcomes.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:


Jake Monalbano (Dad Dynasty): or at twitter as @jakemobtalbano

Healthy Family with Raising Healthy Families

The dialogue encapsulates the shared struggles and aspirations of families seeking to prioritize health and fitness amidst busy schedules and parental responsibilities. Jeff and Amy, drawing from personal experience, emphasize the importance of reclaiming family time and setting positive examples for children through regular exercise and mindful eating habits. They advocate for small, consistent efforts to integrate fitness into daily routines, whether through quick workouts during breaks or outdoor activities with children. Mr. Pancake’s journey underscores the challenges of balancing work, family, and personal health, but his commitment to carving out time for exercise highlights the transformative power of small, intentional steps towards wellness. Together, their insights serve as a rallying call for families to prioritize their physical and mental well-being, fostering stronger bonds and healthier lifestyles for generations to come.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:


Jeff & Amy (Raising Healthy Families):

Father Group:

Father Support Group:

Boy Dad vs Girl Dad, Really?

In this engaging conversation between E. A. Maynard and Mr. Pancake, they delve into the nuances of being a dad, particularly raising sons versus daughters. They discuss the unique interactions they have with each of their children, acknowledging differences in play styles and parental approaches. While they humorously reflect on their own grooming habits and family dynamics, they also touch upon the importance of instilling manners and gender-specific values in their children. Despite the challenges and occasional need for self-correction, both dads demonstrate a heartfelt commitment to nurturing and guiding their kids with love and respect.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Father Group:

Father Support Group:

What page are you on? Does it matter?

Navigating relationships and family decisions requires parents to be on the same page, particularly when it comes to core values and important matters like education, discipline, and so much more. In a conversation with Mr. Pancake, E. A. Maynard shared insights into the importance of alignment in beliefs and viewpoints between partners. They discussed the challenges of dating someone with differing perspectives and emphasized the necessity of being on the same page for a relationship to thrive. The conversation delved into the couple’s shared decision to homeschool their children, highlighting the significance of creating a stable and supportive home environment. Both Maynard and Mr. Pancake stressed the value of open communication in addressing differences and finding common ground, underscoring the importance of shared values in building a harmonious family life.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Father Group:

Father Support Group:

Spoiled Children; What? Why? Who decides?

In this conversation, Maynard and Mr. Pancake discusses their perspective on spoiled children and parenting. They reflect on experiences and the views they have on what makes a child spoiled. The conversation then shifted more to the concept of spoiled children, with Maynard expressing his belief that a spoiled child is one who hasn’t been raised properly, expecting everything without understanding the value of things. He emphasizes the importance of discipline and setting boundaries for children, sharing anecdotes about his own parenting methods. Maynard also touches on the challenges of dealing with tantrums in public and criticizes parents who allow their children to misbehave without addressing the behavior. Overall, Maynard advocates for a balanced approach to parenting, involving discipline, education, and understanding.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Father Group:

Father Support Group:

Pay up; What is the cost of an allowances?

In this conversation, E. A. Maynard and Mr. Pancake discuss the concept of teaching children the value of money and work. Maynard emphasizes the importance of instilling a strong work ethic in children, drawing on his experiences and the lessons he learned as a child. The discussion touches on the balance between giving children allowances for chores and ensuring they understand the broader concepts of earning and saving money. Maynard expresses concern about the potential consequences of not teaching children the value of hard work, highlighting the risk of entitlement and a lack of motivation to strive for success. The conversation also delves into the challenges of finding employees during times of economic uncertainty, reflecting on the impact of unemployment benefits on workforce participation. Maynard advocates for teaching children a sense of accomplishment and the skills to be self-sufficient, underscoring the broader implications of instilling a strong work ethic from an early age.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Father Group:

Father Support Group:

Evolving with The Evolved Dad.

In this engaging conversation, Jonathan(The Evolved Dad), E.a. Maynard and Mr. Pancake, delved into the multifaceted role of fathers. Jonathan joins the Call With Dads team to explore the profound influence fathers have on their children, emphasizing the importance of… Continue Reading →

Pets, Kids, and you do what?

In this engaging conversation, Maynard and Mr. Pancake explore the intricacies of introducing pets to a growing family, shedding light on the responsibilities and considerations involved. They touch on the importance of choosing the right pet breeds, addressing potential challenges, and ensuring a harmonious environment for both children and animals. The discussion emphasizes the need for proactive measures, such as gradual introductions and early interventions, to foster positive relationships. As they share personal anecdotes and insights, the hosts advocate for responsible pet ownership, offering valuable advice to families navigating the dynamic interplay between children and pets.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Father Group:

Father Support Group:

Milestones! What do I do now?

In this engaging conversation, Maynard and Mr. Pancake dive into the complexities of parenting, particularly the significance of recognizing and celebrating milestones in a child’s life. They explore the delicate balance between praising achievements and offering constructive feedback, emphasizing the importance of being present for each unique milestone. Mr. Pancake shares personal anecdotes and reflects on the value of parental involvement during key moments in a child’s development. The discussion also touches on the challenges of finding the right approach to parenting, acknowledging that every child is different. Maynard and Mr. Pancake discuss the launch of “Pancakes with Your Dad,” a new project aimed at fostering positive connections between fathers and their children, and invite listeners to explore the new website at The episode offers valuable insights and perspectives on parenting, filled with humor and sincerity.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

Father Group:

Father Support Group:

Manning Up and being the Best Dad you Can!

In this engaging podcast conversation, Maynard and Mr. Pancakes dive into the essential theme of “Manning up as a Father.” They share their personal experiences and wisdom on the challenges and joys of fatherhood. The discussion revolves around tackling fears, taking the necessary steps to be better dads, and fostering a supportive community for fathers. Maynard and Mr. Pancakes emphasize the importance of sharing their journey and insights with others, encouraging dads to connect, learn, and grow. With a strong focus on building a network of support, they highlight their various social media platforms, including a supportive group on True Social. As they conclude the conversation, Maynard and Mr. Pancakes invite listeners to explore their websites, “” and “,” as valuable resources for dads seeking guidance and connection in their fatherhood journey. This podcast is an inspiring and empowering discussion on the significance of “Manning up as a Father” and creating a community that fosters growth and shared experiences in fatherhood.

Show Article/Summary:


E.A. Maynard:

Mr. Pancake:

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